DOSH SIRIM safety shoes are a must for ALL workers
As stated by the Malaysian OSH regulations, it is a legal requirement that employers provide DOSH SIRIM certified safety shoes for their workers.
Here at Boxter Footwear, we specialize in indestructible DOSH SIRIM certified safety shoes to protect your workers and your business.
So, here is a complete guide to DOSH SIRIM boots to help you make the right choice in work boots.
How are Safety Boots Approved by DOSH SIRIM?
Basically, all personal protective equipment (PPE) must go through strict assessment from SIRIM QAS International before receiving approval from DOSH Malaysia.
Although it may seem like a simple process, the procedure to certify any PPE especially worker’s safety shoes is quite extensive.
Mainly because the quality and durability of safety shoes SIRIM approved is no small matter.
DOSH SIRIM Safety Shoes Features
As of 1st October 2019, every pair of safety work boots must have the SIRIM-DOSH label.
This is one of the DOSH standards by Department of Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia initiatives to protect worker’s welfare at the workplace.
Thus, worker’s safety boots should be able to withstand several hazards that can potentially occur during work.
The Best DOSH Safety Shoes in Malaysia
Generally, it is crucial that all workers wear DOSH approved safety shoes in Malaysia.
Because SIRIM safety shoes not only prevent injuries, but they indirectly avoid employers from possible penalties, fines and legal issues.
However, it is a difficult decision to choose which pair of safety footwear best suits workers.
Safety Boots Supplier
So now you know what exactly is DOSH SIRIM approved safety work shoes, you should consult the best safety shoes brand.
Why search further when you can trust Boxter with the top safety shoes fully certified by DOSH & SIRIM.
Choose a DOSH SIRIM Safety Shoe Supplier
Employers should prioritize worker’s health and safety by providing JKKP certified safety shoes.
Hence why Boxter provides a wide variety of safety certified work boots for many industries, for any type of work.
So if you’re looking for a DOSH-SIRIM certified safety shoe manufacturer, Boxter Footwear is your top choice!

Buy Boxter Safety Shoes in bulk and get these amazing benefits!