list of medical ppe

PPE for Covid-19: Protective Equipment List

Protecting workers from exposure of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 is crucial especially in these circumstances.

This includes potential interaction with infectious people and contamination of the work environment.

Employers should adapt infection control strategies based on a thorough hazard assessment, using safe work practices and personal protective equipment (PPE) to prevent exposures.


Employer’s Guide to Designing an Effective PPE Program

Effective Personal Protective Equipment Program A PPE program must be comprehensive. All levels of an organization from senior management to the front-liners must all participate and commit to the implementation of a good PPE program. Because it’s more than just a general procedure. Basically, a Personal Protective Equipment program that is fully practical includes the […]


How to Prevent Hazards with Safety Boots and PPE

To prevent hazards, your workers need a safe and healthy working environment with DOSH SIRIM Certified Safety Boots and PPE. Generally, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is the armor industrial workers wear that prevent hazards. So, workers must prepare themselves with the right PPE before handling a task, for example wearing the right safety boots, safety […]

How to Choose the Right PPE

Statistics reveal that industrial workers are reluctant to wear PPE because it is either uncomfortable, do not fit or they have not received training.You as conscientious employers must provide your hardworking employees with the ideal protective gear.