Leading Safety Boots Supplier in Malaysia : Boxter Footwear
Thank you for making our safety shoes No. 1!
Being one of the top safety boots suppliers in Malaysia, we place customers’ safety at the center of everything we do through our safety shoes.
That is why our safety boots materials are sourced from all over the world to ensure that only the very best goes into each and every work boot.
All in all, we understand the importance of comfortable safety shoes (kasut keselamatan) not only to prevent injuries but also improve work performance.
Hence, we’ve listed some of our top-selling safety boots (but keselamatan) of the year our loyal customers love so you know which pair you should choose.
The Best Safety Shoes for Workers
We are the best safety shoes brand in Malaysia so we know the types of risks in the workplace.
Every employee has the right to safety. Especially when it comes to jobs where hazards are at every corner.
Refer: Malaysian OSH Regulations.
But, deciding which pair of safety boots for your workers is stressful. But it doesn’t have to be.
We at Boxter knows exactly what your feet needs. Complete with DOSH SIRIM certification and award-winning safety shoe performance. Take a look at our best-selling safety boots fit for any occasion.
Suggested read: How to Choose the Right PPE
Best Lightweight Safety Shoes
Boxter is a renowned lightweight safety shoes supplier in Malaysia. Unlike others, Boxter has combined profound technologies with functional design for the ultimate comfort and safety.
Lightweight safety boots are strong enough for feet protection yet lightweight enough to support natural movements of the wearer. Heavy shoes may seem sturdier and robust but actually, it will cause excessive pressure harming the feet.
Don’t worry about the steel toe cap, Boxter has innovated a lighter and thinner composite toe yet safety and comfort is not compromised at all.
Top Anti Slip Safety Shoes
Slip and fall accidents can happen without warning, especially in slippery and greasy environments suitable for those looking for restaurant work shoes. Therefore, slip resistant shoes are necessary to prevent these accidents from happening in the workplace.
Thus, Boxter anti slip shoes are designed specifically to work best on wet and oily ground. They comply with the CE EN ISO 20345:2011, so workers can safely wear our safety footwear with confidence.
These comfortable non slip shoes are made with slip resistant rubber out-soles with a superior grip when exposed to watery and oily surfaces. Needless to say, they are ideal for most work areas including, restaurant, hospitality, healthcare, grocery, travel, entertainment and industrial.
Heat Resistant Safety Boots
Workers exposed to high temperatures require a pair of safety footwear that can withstand extreme heat. Without it, the material will catch fire and severely burn feet.
Therefore, Boxter has designed a line of fire-proof safety boots to avoid such injury. Once you wear proper footwear, working at a steel mill, copper smelter, furnace or any high-temperature environment will be a breeze.
Comfortable Ladies Work Boots
Even ladies need their own special pair of safety girl shoes. Specially designed for comfort, safety, and style, they are perfect for those looking for a tough yet feminine PPE.
These work shoes for ladies are available for women working in construction and engineering (womens steel toe work boots) and hospitals and laboratories (white non slip shoes). So, slip resistance and comfortable mesh lining are some of its added features to prevent foot fatigue.
Last but not least, Boxter has made its best safety shoes for women electrostatic discharge (ESD) safe for electric and volatile environments.
Best ESD Safety Shoes
ESD shoes are much needed for workers in electric or volatile environments. This is to ensure the worker’s safety and well-being.
That is why Boxter ESD safety boots are made of high-quality materials to provide electrical hazard protection. They can also offer protection against electrostatic charges generated by friction against the human body.
Moreover, this feature is extremely vital in situations involving explosives, chemicals, gas, dust explosion, or if you work with sensitive electronics.
As such, the ESD shoes greatly reduce the risk of ignition of flammable chemicals, hazardous substances, and explosives.
Suggested read: How to Check the Quality of Safety Shoes before Purchasing
Top Performance Safety Shoes Malaysia
Your workers deserve the best pair of work boots that can improve productivity and safety
They rely on their employer to provide the best lightweight work boots for any task. No work can be done effectively with an uncomfortable pair of work shoes.
Stuck deciding which pair to get your workers? Be it in bulk or just a few, our attentive sales team can help you decide.
Get in touch with our attentive sales team for the best option for wholesale shoes suppliers, Boxter can provide you with a selection of trendy wholesale shoes perfect for your workers.

Buy Boxter Safety Shoes in bulk and get these amazing benefits!