
10 Jenis Kasut Keselamatan Pekerja untuk Perlindungan Maksimum

Apakah jenis kasut keselamatan yang sesuai untuk pekerja? Salah satu tanggungjawab majikan adalah untuk membekalkan pekerja mereka dengan kasut keselamatan. Pekerja berhak untuk mendapatkan kasut safety terbaik. Sebagai majikan, anda hendaklah membekalkan pekerja dengan kasut keselamatan yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan mereka. Dengan pemakaian alat perlindungan peribadi (PPE) yang betul, terutamanya kasut kerja, keselamatan pekerja akan […]


5 Jenis Bahan Kasut Kerja dan Kelebihannya

Adakah anda sedang mencari kasut kerja terbaik yang terdapat di pasaran sekarang? Tunggu dulu, sebelum anda membuat keputusan untuk membeli kasut safety boot terbaik, pastikan anda tahu bahan kasut keselamatan yang sesuai untuk kondisi kerja anda. Hal ini kerana bahan kasut safety dapat mempengaruhi keselesaan, keselamatan,  dan juga mutu kerja anda.


Kasut Keselamatan Terbaik di Malaysia 2021

Kasut keselamatan merupakan PPE yang penting untuk pekerja Sebagai salah satu pembekal kasut keselamatan teratas di Malaysia, keselamatan pelanggan adalah prioriti kami yang dibukti semasa proses pembuatan kasut safety kami. Kerana itu, bahan but kerja kami diimport dari seluruh dunia untuk memastikan bahawa hanya yang terbaik sahaja dalam reka bentuk setiap but kerja. Secara keseluruhan, […]


The Best Safety Shoes for Construction in 2020

Safety shoes for construction is a must in such a hazardous work site. In Malaysia, many fatalities and injuries happen at construction sites. Refer Work Accident Statistics by Sector (January – October 2020) That’s why it is essential that all workers wear proper construction gear for a safer work environment. One staple workwear for construction […]


Foot Injuries and How Safety Shoes Prevent Them

Why are safety shoes important? Safety shoes protect feet from foot injuries and prevent exhaustion. This mainly applies to industrial workers that are on the frontlines of danger. Therefore, safety shoes are just as important as any other personal protective equipment. Maybe even more so. Even though employers provide safety shoes for workers following the […]


Indestructible Features of Boxter Safety Shoes

Boxter Safety Shoes Ideal for Industrial Workers Boxter safety shoes are the leading lightweight shoes for heavyweight work  As a top safety boots supplier in Malaysia, we use only the best safety boots materials. All our comfortable safety shoes (kasut keselamatan) increases productivity without compromising safety. Refer to  Malaysian OSH Regulations. Thus, we are very […]


Top Reasons to Wear Safety Shoes for Factory Workers

Should Factory Workers Wear Safety Shoes? Despite common belief, a factory is as dangerous as any other occupation that needs factory safety shoes. It involves heavy machinery, complex devices, heights and others that may cause accidents. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health recorded such accidents in their Occupational Accident Statistic of 2020. Apparently, there […]


What are the Best Safety Shoes in Malaysia? (2023 edition)

Leading Safety Boots Supplier in Malaysia : Boxter Footwear Thank you for making our safety shoes No. 1! Being one of the top safety boots suppliers in Malaysia, we place customers’ safety at the center of everything we do through our safety shoes. That is why our safety boots materials are sourced from all over […]


10 Types of Workers Safety Shoes for Full Protection

What shoes are suitable for workers? It is the responsibility of employers to provide their workers to wear safety shoes.  Workers have the right to suitable safety shoes (kasut keselamatan). So employers must prep all their workers with types of safety boots that fit their job description. Only with the correct type of safety boots, […]