3 Signs that Your Workers Need New Safety Shoes

Safety is always top of mind for any business, but it is especially important for those who work in dangerous environments. When workers are wearing safety shoes that are past their prime, it can have serious consequences on their safety and the safety of your company. Below we outline 3 signs to look out for […]


Guide to Buying the Best Shock Absorbing Comfortable Work Shoes

If you have been on the hunt for comfortable work shoes that provides energy and shock absorption, but aren’t quite sure what to look for, this simple guide is for you. You will find the tips and information you need to narrow down your options and find high-quality shock-absorbing work shoes.


The Importance Of ESD Safety Shoes For Oil And Gas Workers

ESD safety shoes come with a lot of benefits for people who work in the oil and gas industry. The safety of your workers is a critical issue for oil and gas companies. Since the risk of static electricity is high in the oil and gas industry, providing electrical protection for your workers is crucial. […]


5 Reasons To Choose Steel Toe Boots For Your Workers

When looking to buy safety shoes for your workers, you may have noticed that steel toe boots are one of the most popular choices for safety footwear. This is because they offer a lot of benefits over other types of safety shoes, and these benefits can prove very useful in a variety of work environments.

How to Properly Wear Safety Shoes Step by Step

Wear safety shoes properly for optimal protection. While safety shoes are designed to protect feet against injuries, what if you experience discomfort while wearing them? This could indicate that your safety shoe is unsuitable for you or that you are not wearing it properly. Otherwise, you should feel comfortable and well protected.


How to Choose Comfortable Safety Shoes for Standing All Day

Comfortable safety shoes for comfortable feet all day Having to constantly be on your feet at work can be super uncomfortable and painful. So, before your workers ask ‘Why do safety shoes hurt my feet?’, provide them with the most comfortable safety shoes money can buy. Provide them with comfortable safety shoes that are specially […]


Why Companies Should Provide SIRIM Approved Safety Shoes

SIRIM approved safety shoes are one type of PPE employers must provide and pay for. As stated by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), companies are responsible to provide physical protection to their workers. Clearly, the government intends to fully protect laborers from the many hazards at a workplace. So, here’s what you […]


Easy Tips to Take Care of your Safety Footwear

Safety footwear must last long with high durability for worker’s full comfort and safety.   With that said, along with choosing the best pair of safety shoes for work, it is also the worker’s responsibility to care for their protective gear.  Even so, some workers do not take work shoes care seriously. This is due to […]


How Can I Make My Safety Shoes More Comfortable?

Every worker deserves a comfortable pair of safety shoes to go by their day safely.  Especially those who are constantly on the move throughout the day such as workers in construction and manufacturing. Usually, most workers are under the risk of foot injuries. For example, slips, trips and falls, fatigue and sprains. Therefore, it is […]